Throughout the year, the Alliance for Children and Families will promote programs, ideas, and activities sponsored by national nonprofit organizations that support the core values inherent in National Family Week (NFW). These organizations reinforce the NFW objective to strengthen children and families, especially those who are vulnerable.
Hundreds of thousands of teens across the country are expected to take part in the fifth annual National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy held on May 3, 2006. The overall goal of National Day is to bring vital attention to teens on the importance of avoiding teen pregnancy and other serious consequences of sex.
Despite recent declines, about 34 percent of girls in the U.S. get pregnant at least once by age 20. Too many teens still think “it can’t happen to me.” Starting May 3, teens are asked to take a short online quiz (available in English and Spanish) at, which asks them to reflect on the best course of action in a number of sexual situations.
The National Day quiz provides a concrete activity to help break through that wall of denial and help young people understand that it can happen to them and that they need to think about what to do in similar situations, and, best of all, make a plan for avoiding teen pregnancy. The online nature of this quiz also allows widespread dissemination of the quiz because teens can pass it onto their friends through e-mails and instant messaging.
The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, founded in February 1996, is a nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative supported almost entirely by private donations. Its mission is to improve the well-being of children, youth, and families by reducing teen pregnancy. The Campaign’s goal is to reduce the teen pregnancy rate by one-third between 1996 and 2005. For more information about The National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy, please visit Click to read past archive of organizations supporting NFW.