Welcome to National Family Week!

November 21 – 27, 2010


Families Make Connections Count

Thousands of people throughout the United States will celebrate healthy families and communities during the annual National Family Week, taking place during Thanksgiving week. National Family Week is organized by the Alliance for Children and Families and is a wonderful time to build connections that support and strengthen families year-round. These connections make better lives for families and result in changes that improve communities. Please inform us of your National Family Week plans.

Not sure how to get started? Here a simple suggestions of how you can participate!

  • Get involved in local National Family Week activities.
  • Meet and get to know your neighbors.
  • Plan a neighborhood supper.
  • Select an issue that can improve your community. Work with local officials to effect change.
  • Organize or participate in a school meeting about improving your child’s education.
  • Write a thank-you note to someone who helps your family
  • Encourage employers to consider family-friendly work options such as flexible hours and time off to attend school functions.
  • Volunteer with a nonprofit organization on projects that benefit your community.