Welcome to National Family Week!

November 21 – 27, 2010


Overview and History of National Family Week

Sam Wiley, an Indianapolis teacher and school administrator, started National Family week in 1968 as a means to provide Americans with an opportunity to promote strong families. Legislation was passed to have the week of Thanksgiving
recognized nationwide as National Family Week.

For more than 30 years, the Alliance for Children and Families, a national membership organization headquartered in Milwaukee, WI, has coordinated and promoted National
Family Week throughout the country.

In 2005, more than 300 National Family Week local events linked nonprofit organizations, businesses, governmental entities, education groups, and families in the United States.
Their efforts garnered well-deserved attention from local, state, and national policymakers, as well as from the media, and resulted in improved circumstances for children and families in local communities.

National Family Week has proven to be a great time to honor the special connections that support and strengthen families. That’s why the theme of National Family Week is Connection’s Count. National Family Week embodies the premise that children live better lives when their families are strong, and families are strong when they live in communities that connect them to economic opportunities, social networks, and services.

Many family and community organizations, schools, universities, and nonprofit organizations celebrate National Family Week. In addition, the President of the United States, many governors, and local communities issue National Family Week proclamations. National Family Week receives funding and support from The Annie E. Casey Foundation, a private charitable organization dedicated to helping build better futures for children in the United States.

For more information on National Family Week, contact:

606 E Wisconsin Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Alliance Web site
National Family Week e-mail [email protected]

Getting Connected Locally
National Family Week staff can facilitate connections between your organization and our member agencies or other organizations for partnerships in local events.
Call 800-102-1152, or contact: [email protected]